Everybody has different things that help them when they aren't doing the best so especially if these things are small it can help to have them easily accessible. Putting them in some kind of box or bag and depending on the size taking it with you most places or even just in your room somewhere can be a big help.
These are things that I keep in mine:
Stress ball
Photos of friends, families and things that cheer you up
A little bouncy ball
Bubble wrap
Essential oils
Small notebook and pen
Food like lollipops or possibly chocolate
A small copy of the bible
Painkillers or sleeping pills if they're needed
Something that reminds you of what you've been through and overcome
And here are other things that you could put into it:
A small soft toy
Objects to fidget with or that ground you
Favourite books
Colouring-in stuff
Fuzzy socks
Emergency numbers and websites
Heat pack